Monday 2 March 2015

The SCORM Storm sweeps through SK Kampong Berangan and SK Banggol Pa' Esah

You don't need to be a weather reporter to know that the SCORM Storm is here in Pasir Puteh. FROG VLE is hopping into the daily routines of teachers and students at SK Kampong Berangan (SKKB) and SK Banggol Pa' Esah (SKBPE). I applaud these schools' leaderships and teachers for tackling this new technology head-on and accepting the computer monitor must be a fixture in the 21st Century classroom.  It's an ultimate whiteboard enhancer. Breathing life into cold lessons and attracting the Digital Generation with student centred tech savvy. BRAVO!  GB Sir Rosli (SKKB), coined a befitting motto for this school year, "Change or Disappear!"

March's mutuality mindset began with the Frog aficionado, Teacher Baha, and I sharing notes. Teacher Baha heads the computer lab at SKKB, the number 2 school in Kelantan for February Frog log-ins. Whoo Hoo, way to go SKKB! Teacher Baha put the TELL2 Google Drive on the school's Frog page making it accessible to over 50 teachers. He introduced me to the wonderful world of We are currently building an English SCORM page which will include the Learning Outcomes and Specifications of every SCORM English digital lesson on Frog. Teacher Rofia'ah, Teacher Mazwan, Teacher Hazura and Teacher Kamaruddin are all getting involved in the FROG phenomenon. Teacher Kamuruddin's Year 1Emerald class made exceptional progress on letters, sounds and simple words using SCORM's S, A, T and P lesson.

SKBPE is a hop, skip and a jump away from SKKB. Teacher Mohasnizam, Teacher Asisiah, Teacher Nor Azizah and Teacher Adzura are also leapfrogging their classrooms into the 21st Century with the full support of their new GB Cikgu Subri. Year 3Ariff class was busy today building their dashboards with the SCORM English lesson FRIENDS. The lesson contains seven parts: Introduction, Friends1, Freinds2, Practice, Reinforcement, Enrichment and Evaluation.

The Lesson Outcomes that are covered are 3.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7 from the National Curriculum Standards.  An example of Lesson Outcome 4.4 is construct simple and compound sentences with guidance and independently. The lesson Specifications involved are 3.2.1, 3.2.4, 4.4.1, 4.6.1, 4.7.2. A sample of Specification 4.6.1 is using capital letters for- the pronoun I- names of people, days of the week and months of the year. Articles are the focal of the grammatical topics. Students will also enrich their vocabularies by lesson's end with the words: happy, camping, fishing, hole, water, eel, river, cramp, boot, school and friends.

These power packed lessons are in high definition and stereo sound. As we log more hours in, we are refining the process on how to deliver a lesson more efficiently. The process is new, it is courageous and dynamic teachers like those mentioned above who are currently fine tuning this process. Regardless, the students are enjoying themselves and enthusiastic about learning English. Either way neither SKKB or SKBPE are not going to disappear anytime soon, quite the contrary they are going to leap ahead into the future.

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