Friday 13 March 2015

Sports Day at SK Kampong Berangan

Sports Day was a marvelous 2 day event at SK Kampong Berangan this week. I managed to pop in on the festivities before noon on Thursday, 12th of March  The games were in full swing.  The climax of the event, the relay races, were just about to begin when I arrived from SKP.  The field was bursting with colours and plastered with smiles.  Blue, Green, Red and Yellow teams all had decorated tents on one side of the field. On the other side of the field was a large tent for parents rooting their children on in the scorching midday sun.

The relay races were intense with the colour teams captains all rallying their runners in the high stakes final races of the day.  They had 4 relay races divided by lower or upper primary and determined by boys and girls. Some of the students displayed raw natural sporting talent on the track. All of the relay runners showed determination and gallant efforts.

This could be an end to a wonderful day, but the story does not stop here. I was invited to partake with the parents against the teachers in a tug-a-war finale. I kicked off my sandals and dug my heels in the soil. We had a great display of teamwork and were rewarded with victory.  It was so nice to be cheered on by T Kamaruddin, T Hazura, T Mazwan and T Rofia'ah. After our bout, there was final contest between mothers versus female teachers. It was a far more furios competion than the men's event. As the day drew to a close, Green Team was victorious. However, in my estimation, all teams were champions that day. GO SKKB!

Way To Go Green! 

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