Monday 18 August 2014

Raya Party Animal

It is well known, I like to party.  Furthermore, Raya Parties top my list. I had the good fortune to attend 4 parties this year. Unfortunately, I was unable to squeeze in SK Padang 'Amat for the festivities. Raya Parties are super colourful with everyone displaying their new sharp looking clothes. The smell of satay wafts through the air, intriguing all. The MC's voice booms from one end to the other of the hall. Celebration and excitement race through the veins of all participants.

I had a great time celebrating with administration, guests, staff, teachers and students.  Everyone looked snazzy with their new outfits and smiles abounded on the faces. Not to mention, I've seen the most impressive displays of raya biscuits in my life. It is a local tradition that everyone brings raya biscuits, and in a potluck manner, spreads them on the table.  At the end of celebration, you can choose from an impressive selection from multiple varieties of biscuits, beyond your imagination. It is the climax to a wonderful event. Happy Raya and a Bountiful Eid!

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