Sunday 24 August 2014

MTPs from SK Banggol Pa'Esah- An Amazing Presentation

Last Tuesday (19/8), I was bedazzled by the quality and professionalism by two schools MTPs' presentations.  SKP went first and SKBPE followed with a strong finish.  T. Mohasnizam, T. Asisiah, T. Nor Azizah and T. Noor Adzura astonished their peers with Phonic Spoons.  Phonic Spoons are easy to make and highly effective for teaching Key Stage 1 learners pronunciation.  The game included both short and long vowels in form of vowel pairs. The purpose of the game is not to produce sensical words, but to compel participants to apply a phonics approach when reading words.

The Phonic Spoons yields multiple varieties of words for beginning learners to practice phonics in a fun and competitive manner. This is how it works. Start by making vowel spoons in blue {a,e,i,o,u (short vowels) and long vowels (ai, ea, ee, oa, oo, ou)}. Next, make consonants spoons in two colours: first letter position orange and last letter position green. If you pronounce the word correct, remove one spoon and collect.  Next person reads new word, if correct collect, if not pass. Their first-class presentation contained a power point, a video (When Two Vowels Go Walking), presentation and demonstration. The room boomed with phonics and laughter as the 6 groups of teachers played the game. Astounding job, keep up the great work! Screenshots of their ppt presentation are provided below:

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