Wednesday 18 January 2017

AE Webinar 5-Fun with Grammar-Bringing Language Learning to Life through Games

Katie Bain and Lauren Whitaker presented the first series of AE Webinar 5. I was the moderator for Fun with Grammar-Bringing Language Learning to Life through Games. A noteworthy group of teachers gathered at 9pm at UNITAR KB for the first session. There were a few alumni of AE Webinar 4 and a couple of new faces too. It was a rainy night, no surprise there.

I want to especially thank Tuan Hj Ramlan Awang Omar, who hosted the event. The subject matter was how to use games for teaching grammar. Normally, students get stressed with grammar. Games are a fun way to use the target language. It is important to note, that games are used only after the intended grammar has been introduced and taught in class. One advantage of using games is teachers can monitor the class by walking around the room and make quick assessments. The night's discussion also included a brief Certificate giving ceremony of the teachers who completed 4 out of 6 sessions from AE Webinar 4.

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