Friday 24 October 2014

PAL reading in BPP1

Hi there everyone, 

Wow, it has been quite a while since I've had time to adda post to our blog but I think we can all agree that Khidar (AB) is a blogging legend and he has been holding the fort superbly!

Anyway, I really wanted to show off what the wonderful teachers in BPP1 have been up to lately.  Each of the schools has been involved in implementing a new PAL reading project with their year 1-3 pupils.  What is PAL I hear you wonder?.... well PAL stands for Peer Assisted Learning and in this reading program the pupils pair up and read learn from each other.

PAL reading in action

Teacher Suzi (SK Pauh Sembilan) reading a story.

Here we can see T.Suzi, doing the first step with her pupils, reading the story as a whole class.

Pupils are then paired up together, (stronger reader with a weaker reader)to read their books and do some writing tasks in their reading journals.

filling out the reading journal.
 T. Bazlina from SK Pengkalan Chengal is showing the pupils how to identify certain words in the text by calling the pupils up individually to point them out.  Each pupil is rewarded with a hi-5 and a clap from their peers!
smiles all around!

The pupils love it.  The books are cute and interesting and allow the pupils to develop at their own pace.

Well done to BPP1 teachers for helping to develop reading skills in their classes!

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