Tuesday 13 December 2016

American English Update- 9/12

What’s New AE from   ? 
  • International Anti-Corruption Day is December 9th. English language learning content for this day is attached to this email.
  • We have selected the winners of our 4th annual Create Your Own Board Game Competition! The winners will be announced on the American English website (here) and Facebook pages later this week. The winning board games will be available to download from our website.
  • This month’s Teacher’s Corner is all about teaching phrasal verbs. Each week will include an activity to use in the classroom and help learners to master phrasal verbs.
  • This week's Teens Talk is an interview with a high school student who talks about being bilingual. 


Teacher’s Corner: 
Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs can be difficult to teach and learn. This month, the #AmericanEnglish Teacher’s Corner will explore phrasal verbs. Each week, we will present a new activity for students to practice phrasal verbs through inductive learning. This week, try our Phrasal Verb Game!
How to teach phrasal verbs in a fun way? Find out in this month’s #AmericanEnglish #TeachersCorner.

Picture is attached to this email and was made by OELP.
American Teens Talk: Brian

What is a typical day for a U.S. teenager? Teach about U.S. culture in your classroom with the #AmericanEnglish American Teens Talk. In this week's interview, a U.S. high school student talks about his new baby brother, being bilingual, and plans for summer vacation. Learn about the lives of US teens with #AmericanEnglish American Teens Talk. 

Pictures are attached to this email and are CC0.
Animated Video:
Requests using modals

Is it easy to ask for help? Learn how to use modal verbs to ask for help and make other requests. Watch this short video to learn more. #AmericanEnglish #ModalVerbs 

Learn to ask for help and make other requests with this #AmericanEnglish video!


Picture is attached to this email and was made by OELP.

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