Monday, 21 November 2016

American English Webinar 4.6- Classroom 2.0: Tools for Digital Learning

American English Webinar Series 4 was a worldwide internet based professional development course for English teachers. The course was divided into 6 sessions, alternating Wednesdays from September to November at UNITAR KB. Prospect, SK, SMA, SMK and university teachers alike attended. There was a total of 28 teachers who participated, 10 of which qualified for certificates. Compliments to all the teachers who took part. My role was as the moderator of the lively 30 minutes long discussion that proceeded after each 60 minutes long webinar.

The final instalment was Classroom 2.0: Tools for Digital Learning. One of the takeaways from this session was the idea of not to expect technology to do the teaching, rather use technology as a tool to teach. It was an informative session which shared many free internet based resources for the classroom. Most of the teachers had some experience with the blended approach previously, but they all found it useful. 

The session revolved around Carol Chapelle's, Choosing the right tools (2000):
1. Language Learning Potential
2. Learner Fit
3. Meaning Focus
4. Authenticity 
5. Positive Impact
6. Punctuality 

The last discussion was a brief reflection on the entire series and a 10 minute demonstration on SCORM  packages accessible through FrogAsia. The demonstration was upon request of the teachers. Since the SCORM packages met Chapelle's 6 criteria and were tailored made to the Malaysian syllabus, I thought it an appropriate use of time.  The teachers were pleasantly suprised of the list of all the SCORM packages available to them on  They were hooked and found them to be an awesome tool in making their classrooms more blended. Utmost respect to all theses super teachers who sacrificed their free time to voluntarily improve their skills sets. Huge thanks to all the partners involved: Douglas Black USEKL, Tn Hj Ramlan Awang UNITAR KB and Mohammad Aswari Japar UNITAR KB.

Here is the link to webinar:

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