Monday 19 September 2016

American English Webinar 4.1 UNITAR

Howdy folks, I'm a moderator for the American English Webinar 4 series at UNITAR KB. Here is a link to Webinar 4.1. It is a free gathering for any level English Teachers and prospect teachers. I'm aware this blog is worldwide, so I will post them here so you can benefit as well. Learning is sharing, so I want share it with you. It was titled:
The Role of Humor and Language Play in the English Language Classroom
Presenters: Dave Chisea & Stephen Skalicky

This event took place on September 6th, 2016.We held a webinar for USEKL at UNITAR KB attended by prospect, SK, SMK and University English teachers. These awesome teachers fought traffic, beat the rain and climbed stairs in the evening to voluntarily increase their skills. I get salty when people complain about "all teachers", because there are some teachers who are making unseen sacrifices to improve the quality of education in Malaysia. Much respect to these unacclaimed super teachers.

Our next one will be:

Strategies for Engaging Young Learners
Presenter: Lauren Whitaker

Wednesday, September 21, 2016
8:00-9:00pm Malaysia Time

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