Saturday 14 May 2016

Beyond TELL2, Teaching & Training Continues

Welcome Back! Sorry for the hiatus. It's Khidar Abdullah, better known as AB. When TELL2 ended last October, there was a hope of a TELL3. Unfortunately, due to a couple of factors, like sagging oil prices, there are no plans for a TELL3. Even though the program has ended, there is still a need to launch the mutuality mindset throughout the schools in Malaysia and Southern Thailand.

Through collaboration, I'm still on a mission to make teachers be, feel and do awesomeness. I've currently gone solo. I'm playing with the name Heavy Hitters Consultancy, as the name of my biz. As of recent, I've joint ventured with US Embassy in KL, CRW Islamic School, Pattani and SK Dewan Beta. I'm doing a variety of English programs from primary to secondary. I hope to use this blog as a portal for information on some of the unfinished work I'm continuing.  Moreover, I hope this blog showcases the sincerity and professionalism of so many teachers in the region who are striving for continual growth & development.

I don't have a destination in mind, nor do I have gps or a roadmap. Although, I do have a full tank of good will and passion that will drive this journey. So welcome aboard on my educational odyssey, the more the merrier. Let's navigate these changing times together and exude awesomeness!

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