These new tools are only effective if Teachers are trained how to use it. Training alone will not bridge the gap. It's not until teachers apply their training into the classroom, will the rubber hit the road. TELL2 in Kelantan recognised the need, while facilitating training and classroom application of FrogVLE. Fortunately, we shared a mutuality mindset with a FrogAsia trainer named Mohammed Fitri, who collaborated and presented at 2 Frog Mini Summits for us. Not to mention, we have found friendly confines at SK Kampong Berangan to host our first summit. It was nurtured by the cooperation of many excellent mentors of the TELL2 team.
The event occurred on Monday, 11th of May at SKKB. This was the shining jewel in this year’s crown of training. Toby & AB have been envisioning a FROGVLE training project for mentors and MTPs alike for quite some time. Consequently with big help from Cigku Bahar, GB Sir Rusli and DLO Mr Sharir, we were able to pull together this IT training event. In the end we had 11 TELL2 Mentors from 2 States, 29 Teachers from 24 Schools / 4 Districts / 6 TELL2 Subclusters. Mr. Mohd Fitri conducted the training designed to maximise FROGVLE in teaching English to Tahap 1. It was a smashing success, so much so it led to Frog Mini Summit 2 in Kuala Krai.
Two attendees, Mentor Mark and his MTP, went back to Kuala Krai and reported the worthwhileness of the event to their DLO. Frog Mini Summit 2 in Kuala Krai took place at SK Sungai Embak on Monday, the 6th of July. It was held with 41 English teachers from Tahap 1, one from every school in the district attended. Muhammad Fitri from Frog, presented and showcased new Frog features and I presented how to use SCORM in teaching English. Mentors Scott and Mark were involved in arranging and training. It was well received, but it did not end there.
Mentor Yusuf has a MTP named Teacher Rosmihah at SK Dewn Beta. She was the catalyst to host another Frog Training at her school. Although our friends at Frog were busy, we did not want to miss an opportunity to satisfy a customer. On Monday, the 10th of August about 16 of Yusuf's mentees from various schools in Kota Bharu converged for a Frog training event. The internet was crawling that day at 0.8 MPS. It slowed down the amount of material we could cover, but as they say ,"The show must go on." We learned basic FROGVLE login, timeline, quick assignment and an intro to SCORM.
On a human note, not only did the training event bring the latest in IT for teaching English, it was also a homecoming. My former college roommate Zaki Bin Yaacob is an alumni of SKDB. Teacher Rosmihah happens to be a former classmate of Zaki. Therefore, we arranged for a joyous reunion at the end of event. This is a small example how TELL2 in Kelantan has been able to preserve the past, while charting forward thinking on the 21st century roadmap with techniques like FROGVLE. We have two more FROGVLE trainings pending for the final month of TELL2. Ribbit!
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