It is only fitting, the launch of the UPSR Clinic season of 2015 was held in one of Sara's school-
SK Bukit Merbau. The dedicated Teacher Norimah and Sara have been planning since last year to host a clinic. Due to their perseverance, they managed to be the early birds this year.
On Tuesday, the 17th of February, forty-six Year 6 students gathered, after school from 2-4 pm, at SKBM. The group consisted of mixed skills sets from classes Year 6A and Year 6B. The students were eager and bounding with potential. We started the clinic with just an overview of UPSR and BI paper in particular. Through discussion, we were able to dismiss some myths and misinformation surrounding the test. Next, we agreed that Paper 1 and Paper 2 are equal in value, 40 marks each. We identified together Paper 2 posed a bigger challenge. Consequently, we dove straight into Paper 2, Section B.
We collaborated as a class and did a sample question together. We broke it down to a chart, table, box and a written response. Methodically we filled row by row in the table. As they made mistakes, we corrected them together. Student's were advised to circle the first letter in the table to recognise wether a capital or small letter is required for the answer. It was via this demonstration many of the nuances of this section were relayed.
The students then worked independently on another sample question from Paper 2, Section B. Sara, Teacher Norimah and myself roved around the class and checked the work in progress. Due to time constraints, we only had time to check the table. The students showed a quick acquirement of skills taught by scoring 8-10 marks on the table We also introduced the first set of vocabulary as homework... Animal Parents And Their Young. We ended the clinic with the same chant from the beginning. In unison we cheered excitedly, "English is easy peasy!" We exited with the battlecry, "I want to get an A in English!"
Please note, Brighton Education Group (BEG) is committed to bringing student centred education and developing high order thinking in schools. Yet, we also pragmatically recognise in a student's spectrum of educational experiences, exams are inescapable. Therefore, we are also able to boost the student's toolbox of academic skills with the ability of polished exam orientated methods. Either way, it's a reflection of BEG's commitment of Creating Opportunities and improving the schools in Malaysia.
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