Sunday 26 November 2017

AE Webinar Series 7 Concludes

The awesome gang of educators completed American English Webinar on the evening 15/11. Class started at 9 pm, an hour later than normal to adjust for time change in Washington D.C. A humongous thanks to USEKL, UniTAR KB, Intan, Tn Hj Ramlan Awang, Aswari and the Teachers. It was through cooperation and mutuality mindsets at all levels that made the programme a success.

The final episode was based on Business English. It was an interesting topic and focused mostly on the importance of cultural awareness in teaching business people English. Unfortunately, we had some technical difficulties with the visuals till about midway; however, the audio was fine throughout the webinar. This particular webinar (7.6) was less applicable to the classrooms in Kelantan than previous ones.

Based on feedback of the group, the most popular webinars in AE Series 7 were:

To correct or not correct? Ideas for Subtle Correction During Speaking Tasks
Wednesday, September 20, 2017

click here to view

Empowering Your Students with Media Literacy
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

click here to view
Nonetheless, we had another batch of certificate accomplishers this round. Fantastic job squad!