Teacher Salmah showed good leadership qualities by getting T. Siti Basirah, T. Hamizah and T. Suzana to share her vision. The above mentioned teachers did a remarkable job of promoting the books in their classrooms and working as team for the various events that composed of SKBA Book Contest. Fantabulous Job Team!
I still fondly remember two titles that I read to the pupils during multiple story times strung across the three months. Captain Bear and Take Me Home were memorable titles, as well as crowd pleasers. There were some good higher order thinking explanations offered by students of what may have happened after the story ended in print. I'm sure eager, waiting on pins and needles, for a sequel of Captain Bear.
The contest and prize giving ceremony was held on Sunday the 21st of September. It was a great way to kick start school after a one week vacation. 45 students earned conciliatory prizes of pencils, erasers and candies. They were wrapped decoratively and presented by the Guru Besar Fadzilah. The GB had been very supportive throughout the whole contest. He also graced the ceremony by distributing certificates and lovely wrapped book gifts to the seven high flying students who excelled. I appreciate the mutuality mindset that was shared by above mention professionals who worked together to raise the love for literacy in the student body of SK Bukit Abal. Again, Kudos!